Annual Calendar of Hymns & Psalms
- The opening hymn or Psalm should be a great, majestic song of praise.
- The most outstanding and beloved hymns of the church should be sung twice a year, once in the morning and once in the evening.
- Some attention should be paid to seasonal themes including the high points of the old liturgical calendar (the “five evangelical feast days”).
- Communion is administered once a month, quarterly in the morning (normally January, April, July, October), and in the evening the other eight months of the year (August communion season has altered this schedule).
- A check list is provided for the most usable and recommended hymns. Checks indicate hymns already provided for in the calendar.
Those who would rather sing and read more broadly through the Psalter in 2021-25 may follow the calendars provided in 2017-2020. Those who would rather sing 52 different psalms may then turn to the 2018 calendar; those wishing to sing 78 psalms may use the 2019 calendar; those wishing to sing 104 different psalms may use the 2020 calendar. You may access previous years on our website or request a copy by e-mailing the church office.